List of Doctors, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists & Pain Specialists that Use the Medical Breakthrough Massage Chairs™!
Believe it or not, we never wanted to get into the massage chair business. There are hundreds of people with back problems that need our help on a daily basis. Many of the people that come to see us really need a massage chair because it can help their body heal naturally, with no drugs, injections or surgeries.
A common problem was that most of the massage chairs out there do nothing for you medically. They don't correct posture problems, relieve chronic back pain, treat neck and shoulder issues, or help with arthritis or sciatica; all they do is massage you. What's the point of spending money on a massage chair if it does nothing to help your body heal!
After waiting decades for a medical massage chair to be built, but witnessing zero progression, we decided to design our very own. Although we had limited time and resources, we worked with as many medical doctors, chiropractors, dermatologiests and pain specialists as we could find. We wanted the Medical Breakthrough Series Massage Chairs™ to help the 100 million Americans suffering from chronic pain, the 115 million Americans dealing with stress and the 60 million Americans who struggle with regular sleep routines.
We wanted our massage chairs to help as many people as possible, it's the reason why we work with so many doctors, chiropractors and pain specialists. Below are just a few of the doctors that use the Medical Breakthrough Series Massage Chairs™.

What can you do when your entire body heals? This holiday season, give the gift of HEALING.
"The American Academy Of Pain Medicine,", 13 Dec. 2016.
"Can't Sleep? Neither Can 60 Million Other Americans,", 20 May. 2008.
"For Many Americans, Stress Takes A Toll On Health And Family,", 7 Jul. 2014.